Monday, December 20, 2010

emak, saya mahu beli doniaaa!!!

My sister is a true shopaholic.

Now I knew where I’m inherited it from =))

She will shop anything either it’s from online shop, cik kiah menjual dari satu meja ke satu meja di opis atau di rumah.and of course, shopping malls, shops, etc.

I still remembered during her confinement period, she will ensure that she will in touch with her shopping activities even though she’s staying at home. She will bought something over online and deliver to my parent’s house almost daily. Baby bibs, rompers, baby sling (by the way, she had two almost identical and just different in colour!!!), booties, toys etc. I rasa kalau dia tak beli mahu meroyan kot dalam tempoh berpantang tu. and yes, she was only 3 weeks dalam pantang before she went to one of the warehouse sale. T____T

Even his eldest son which just turned 3 that time knew that “mummy boleh ambik duit kat bank” when I told him I had no money so he could not ask for any toys or candies when we out to TESCO.

Sigh…saya kot dah sekolah baru tahu bank tu my bapak leh keluarkan duit gaji. All the while ingatkan hanya boleh simpan duit sahaja sebab mak ajar simpan duit dekat bank. Tak pernah ajar, nanti dah simpan duit raya kat bank leh keluarkan beli ps3 ke.

Since my sis adalah a true shopaholic and the magic word adalah “beli”, we wasn’t realize how it will impact her 2yrs old kiddo yang mencintai otomen kosmos lebih daripada mencintai his meal, yang lebih menyayangi antel (my hubby) instead of achu (myself) *bukan ke antel come later than achu? Why oh whyyyyy?*, dan yang merasakan makhluk paling hensem dalam dunia ini adalah Musasi (Musasi – nama karakter otomen kosmos bila dia jadi manusia biasa).

Conversation between Super nenek and her 2 yrs old cucu,Papeet (Wafeeq)

Papeet : papeet nak nengok otomen.

Super nenek : tak boleh on tv. Karen takde. (by the way, time tu blackout at my parent’s housing area due to heavy rains)


Papeet : nenet, bukak la ekon. (oh..he will only tido regardless day or nite, rain or storm if only ekon is on)

Nenet : tak boleh, kan nenek dah kata karen belum ada lagi.

Papeet : hmmm..suruh la atok pergi kedai beli karen!

Nah hamik ko. Susah sangat takde Karen, pergi je la beli. Mau mati tegak atok kot kalau nak pergi beli karen kt TNB pastu bawak balik rumah buh kat TV and ekon.
The other day, we stopped by at a petrol station since Nuqman, Papeet's eldest brother need to use the toilet.
out of sudden,
papeet : papeet nak beli minyak. papeet nak beli minyak...
this 2yrs old fella is a true shopaholic. stop kat petrol pump pun kena beli minyak *isi minyak kete*.
and he told his mum "kat dalam tu boleh beli air.aritu daddy beli" *referring to kedai kat stesen minyak*
This is Papeet with his front tooth missing. Mummy,can we "beli" tooth for Papeet?

ko nampak? budak dua tahun pun pergi stesen minyak dah tahu nak guna word "beli". tu baru 2 tahun. kalau dah 12 tahun?
Bahaya oooo..jap lagi kalau hari hujan tak de matahari and tak boleh main luar rumah, dia mintak beli matahari pulak macam mana? Kalau cloudy night tak Nampak bulan suruh beli bulan pulak macam mana?

Cenggini rupa, marilah kita bersama2 pindah duduk dalam Gua. Jadi caveman. Anak pun tak mintak beli bnde2 pelik2. Mak pun tak leh nak online shopping. Laki pun tak leh kelebet forum camera hari2 *dituju khas buat suami tercinta*

p/s: by the way, my sport shoe hunting telah berakhir. Opt for the running shoe instead of training shoe. Rm300 musnah terbakar setelah bertukar option mencari dari sudut berkenan di hati ke option yang mana ada diskaun nye pak? Semua yang berkenan di hati adalah over rm400. Mungkin betul, saya sepatutnya beli je kasut cap power. Atau pinjam je kasut futsal suami. Kite tengok brapa lama kasut ni leh bertahan sebelum al-kisah riwayatnya aku sepasang kasut yang syahid didalam kotak. Sekian!


Yani said... [Reply to comment]

hahahha...lawak2...tolong la mau kereta...

.:Mrs Hafiz:. said... [Reply to comment]

ahahhaha...achu memang pandai buat magic! tada..kete persona aunty yani dh sampai!


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