after 4 days delayed, my period is here.
kuciwa because part of me dah separuh mati percaya i've conceived.
tu la ko mi, terlalu berharap.
and i just discovered that tw ex-brides yg kawen same day as me dua-dua dh preggie.
saya cemburu!
sang suami, cepatla pindah sini!!!
perlu meneruskan projek usahasama nih.
last night before tidur, menangis sampai lebam lagi.
penat menahan diri. but the moment baring atas katil and bercakap dengan sang suami over the phone terus punah harapan nak be strong tu. tak sabar nak balik Kulim and kiss & hug sang suami.
cepat la masa berlalu....
telah menerima lappie office. oh! ko jangan harap la lappie office tu mcm apple mac ke, sony vaio ke.
ahahahha...tu dia...gedabak besaq kaler itam tipikal lappie IBM tu.
patah bahu den ngangkut. but the best part is, its brand new u!
i kire the very first hand ever laid on that lappie. ye kawan2 sekerja, sila jeles pd saya!
episod kahwin belum habis. selagi tak puas ati, selagi tu episod kahwin akan sentiasa muncul.
biarla sampai anak saya dah umur 9 tahun sekalipun,still gak nak tepek.
My walkway for nikah
1) Walkway stand nih FOC je sobab pass down dr my cuzzie. my cuzzie kahwin dulu dia tempah sendiri walkway stand nih. jimat tuh!
2) flowers. use bunga kekwa and daun paku pakis and a lil white orchids (lebihan orchids from sirih junjung hafiz)\
3) white lanterns. as per my DIY lanterns. and this lantern recycled and digunakan semula oleh my bridesmaids during my reception.
4) pomander ball yg besar2 tu hasil DIY mama.
Bilik Pengantin
1) first 3 pics adalah deco atas meje.
2) room deco sgt simple je. sobab just for nikah je.
ok..nak sambung gyut ngan hubby.