
Monday, October 19, 2009
sya!!! saya sudah jawab survey
Oh...my wimax kurang memberi kerjasama yg baik mlm ni.
mr.wimax, pls..pls..pls...jgn la wat mcm ni.
it took me like forever to open you tube.
by the way, saya baru je sampai rumah from watching movie. Surrogates.
Rasa mcm ketinggalan zaman je sebab citer tu dh lama keluar.
nak wat cmne, baru sekarang ada masa senggang nak nengok.
gler melayu habis ayat.
the whole petang, saya telah dengan gediknya telah mem'follow' incik tunang pergi outdoor shoot pengantin.
incik tunang bukan wedding photographer. since saya punya wedding photographer for my wedding dan kami telah menjadi kawan baik, dia telah invitie incik tunang to tag along with him for outdoor wedding shoot. so, incik tunang dpt le blaja amik amik gamba ni from him.
nasir really a nice guy. yg langsung tak kedekut ilmu. and i really proud of incik tunang sbb he really took this opportunity utk blaja. thank abg nasir!!!
so saya ni leh la di katekan assitant bebas kat situ. with another 3photogrpher, saya tolong pegangkan flash time dieorg amik, then pegng minatang yg dipanggil reflector tuh. pergh!! i lah assitant paling baik ok...keje for free..
as return? tentula photographer tu semua testing amik gambar i. hikhikik..
owh..dont blame me. saya memang photo gedik..
nak wat cmne.
so mereka telah shoot my pic byk gk la. ala2 model gitu.
will upload some pic taken by incik tunang later.
tips of the day : pls avoid outdoor shooting dgn baju kaler ijau. i noe..pengantin tend utk memilih baju ijau sbg baju pengantin, tp serious ckp, photographer akan susah amik gmba korang nnt.
sebabnya, background which kebanyakkannya rumput or pokok2 kaler ijau. so nk dpt pic yg cantek nnt. ingat tu!!
Rules: Once you've been tagged, Fill this out and repost as, "My Autobiography" And use your own answers, not anyone else's. and tag 21 frends including me..
and sya telag tag saya ini fb.sowie babe, i reply kt sini je. sbb mls le nk wat dlm fb.
1. Where did you take your profile pic?
:: blog profile pic: menara alor star, on my 23rd birthday.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
:: boxer and tshirt
3. What is your current problem?
:: my wimax is not happy with me. tend to blink red more often (indicate poor signal)
4. What makes you happy most?
:: lean my head on my incik tunang shoulder
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
:: the way i am
6. Any celeb you would marry?
:: unless my incik tunang would turn into celeb.
7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
:: none of friend share the same birthday date with me
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
:: nope... not in a million years
9. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
:: used to. time kurus2 dulu kot. Azza Elite look alike. euuww...malu nak ngaku nih.
10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?
:: of course yes. my eyes will glued on tv when there is kiddie show.
11. Do you speak any languages?
:: yes, other than english is bahasa.
12.Do you ever watch MTV?
:: of course. my fav..
Chapter 1:
1. Middle name:
:: Is Hazwani xount?
2. Nickname(s) (for friends):
:: amy, aimi, mi,
3. Current location:
:: living room.
4. Eye color:
:: dark brown.
Chapter 2:
Do you get along well with your parents?
:: yes, especially mama.
Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice creams
:: oh yes! choco top!!
2. Shampoo/conditioner:
:: my current assense shampoo.
Chapter 4: Do You...
1. Dance in the shower?
:: most of the time
2. Do you write on your hand?
:: yes!!
3. Call people back?
:: yes.
4. Believe in love?
:: 100% yes.
5. Any mental health issues?
:: nope... scary le plak soklan ni,
Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Broken a bone?
:: not untill today
2. Sprained anything?
:: most of the time.
3. Had physical therapy?
:: never
4. Gotten stitches?
:: yes..during my appendicitis operation.
5. Taken painkillers?
:: yes, after the appendicitis operation.
1. I love: you sayang
2. I don't understand: am i too stupid?
3. When I wake up in the morning : I wish i could sleep a little longer.
4. Life is full of: challenge
5. I get annoyed very quickly when: things doest go my way
6. Parties are : not my type.
7. Dogs are: but cat wayyyy cuter!
8. Cats are: one of my wish list for my birthday.
9. Tomorrow is: tuesday and i have to go to work.
10. I have a low tolerance for: people i annoyed?
11. If I had a million dollars I would: have a grand grand grand wedding
12. I'm totally terrified of : hari kiamat.
p/s: have you watch p1 wimax latest ads on tv? funny!

ketemu dengan dias impian
I spent the whole night preparing the wording for my wedding card.
ehehehe..saya memang over.
since my wedding card bukan la design yg custom made, so, the only kelainan yg saya boleh buat adalah dengan prepare wording yg berbeza dari tipikal wedding card yg lain.
my pengkritik?
both ijam and wawa. YM with them and paste the wording yg saya prepare.
ijam kata : macam perhimpunan UMNO dh aku baca. pembuka and penutup berpantun
wawa kata : ok, tapi kena lebih puitis. (haruskah saya hire sasterwan negara cik wa oi?)
and yes! wedding invitation card ni kan memenuhi adat. so, i love my invitation card ni penuh adab sopan. diisi dengan pantun!!
yup..i always find that pantun is classic. saya sangat suka bila membaca pantun dalam invitation card org lain.
nampak cam sopan and veryy the malay.
so, for my wedding card, saya dah pastikan pantun serangkap dua tu wujud at the front page and last page.
and all the wording dalam kad tu, saya olah from few talented wedding card designer.
curik sket2 je.
and guess what? instead of putting tipikal MAJLIS PERKAHWINAN inside the card, saya bubuh MAJLIS TAUTAN KASIH. wawa kata : sweet!
i want something different.
so kiranya majlis tautan kasih ni nama my wedding ceremony of that day.
when i mention to ejam about me putting all the wording for my invitation card, he just replied "sebab tu nama ko amy"... ahahha... i mish you dude!! he always be my shoulder to lean on during my uni time.
dont get me wrong. he is my guy bestie! disebabkan 24hrs attached with me, all gurls kat uni tak jadi nak ngurat dia or org yg dia ngurat msti reject dia sbb ingat i ni gf dia. sowieee dude!!
and sampai ke hari ni dia takde gf. aiyoyoyo...sian kamu ejam!
And today, incik tunang dan saya telah melskuksn pelamin hunting at all bridal house yg available at Sg Petani. the best part is? my white panel dias idaman telah ditemui. luckily incik tunang from SP, at least SP lebih modern dari other part of Kedah. its true! SP dah macam ibu negeri kedah tau. more modern dari alor staq.
actually we already masuk more than 10bridal house in SP. giler la..sampai tepu kepala otak kiteorg ni.
i already prepare list of things needed from the bridal house. Example ; pelamin, make up (pencarian MUA kat area northern telah menemui jalan buntu, kena berserah muka pada MUA kat bridal house tu), pahar hantaran etc....
even though SP lagi modern dr any part of Kedah, but still, dont expect thing mcm kat Central.
banyak things tak menepati citarasa.
tapi nak wat cmne. pasrah je la. kang incik tunang silambam saya plak sebab dah penat mencari.
and yes! i met Fasha. Fasha ni HE ok..hikhikhik...
and above semua bridal house SA yg saya jumpa, fasha ni taste dia leh tahan.
and sangat easy deal ngan dia. dia tak offer package but then offer based on our $$+thing yg we need.
and saya tumpang sekaki menyewa bantal nikah from him. sebab bantal nikah dia lawa. tak tipikal plain white or velvet type. bantal nikah ada beading sket2.
ahahha.. bila i show this bantal to incik tunang, he frowned! saya rasa dalam hati dia mesti nak kata "bantal pun nak ada beading ke? ada org kisah ke?"
i dont care, dah alang2 incik tunang amik kat dia, dia kata leh je masuk pape sekali. sebab saya rasa $$ yg dia quote tu pun is not that cheap. saya apa lagi ngambil la kesempatan. siap add on utk my side as well. kire FOC la kan sbb masuk dlm quote incik tunang. selamat my $$$
hamik ko..saya amik dulang pahar for my side as well dr ini org. pahar dia cantik. bukan pahar yg ringan senang tergolek tu. pahar dia mcm stable je rupa.
and yes, bab baju saya amat fussy. baju at incik tunang side saya dah mention before right? we are going to wear FULL SONGKET~! adus...sangat ke'melayu'an. and paling tak suka bila tengok songket with laces patch on. adeh..dh tak melayu dah.
this songket pun atas request bonda saya.
"dh pakai laces kat side kita, pakai la songket kat belah hafiz"
nasib baik usulan saya ni di terima baik my furure MIL and incik tunang.
kalau tak mau jugak mama saya srh sewa songket amik gambar dlm studio.
beria-ia beno nak tengok kami pakai songket.
mama kata "baru nampak macam pengantin"
yelah..org veteran. ikutkan aje...
and pelamin usulan yg diberikan kepada fasha adalah seperti pic ni. not 100% as my first pilihan hati. but this pelamin look simple and will be easy for HIM to prepare nanti kot. tak nak la overcomplicated sangat, kang pening fasha terus jadi hampagas pelamin saya nanti.


(pic credit to rinssuzana.com)
harap beno la fasha tu leh buat cmni kan?
kalau tak mau jugak saya smack down kepala dia.
tak kira tengah jadi pengantin nak naik pelamin ke tak. yg penting dia ade white panel ini!!!
Then rite after pelamin hunting, we went to Vas house. for the deepavali visit. bestt ooo rumah dia. lawa banget. incik tunang, can i have house mcm Vas? and yes! tak tau la cmne nak cakap, chemistry i dengan Vas ni sgt kuat. Ini baru kali ke -3 keorg jumpa, tapi riuh macam dh 10thn jd kawan. she is really pretty and sgt best to hang out with. very humble as well.
and yes, to all of you. thanks for being such a great friend to me. tak kisah la kawan yg duduk jauh ke, dekat ke, i really appreciate the presence each of you in my life. for me, friend is the greatest gift that god gave to me. tough some friend might be annoying at sometime, or you just cant stop yourself from arguing with her/him, but yes, he or she is still a friend that you have to appreciate. when i came cross arguing with friend of mine, there is always one thing yg akan saya buat which is self-reflect. "i'm not perfect either. so i cant blame others for not being perfect example, mulut laser, irritating or anoying". bila kita benci one person, trust me, hundreds of people might hate us at the same time. jadi stop hate others. and terima kekuangan org lain mcm org lain kena terima kekurangan kita. chewahh..bertazkirah pendek plak.
ops..aimi need to settle to prepare the location map for my wedding card.
haizz..kena prepare awal. esok nak kena email kat bonda nun di kejauhan.
sure hell punya la nak proof reading dengan bonda will take at least 2 weeks time.
bonda i ni very particular.
then only leh submit kat kedai.
then 2 weekes later kne proof reading lagi kat kedai pulak kan.
then a month pastu baru dapat kad jemputan nih.
since byk wedding to be attended by my parents during Dec nih. bonda n ayahanda plan nak distribute card time tu. senang kan. dh jumpe sedara mara time tu.
p/s: Incik tunang, jgn lupa design sticker yg nak letak kat door gift tu ye?

wedding preparation
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