the two weekends marathon finally reached its end.
sweat bulu-bulu ketiak i.
finally baby, we both can rest rite?
this weekend plan? duduk rumah dengan suami dan qada' tido.
sian i ok. sangat restless.
our wedding eniberseri tak sompek celebrate. berani ko nak celebrate dan berjimba-jimba? dah la wedding eniberseri time wedding abang sendiri. selaku tulang belakang mejlis, nak makan pun time orang dah nak beransur balik ok. mak buyung kalah mak pengantin kan busy nye.
well, of course ni bukan anak i. but baby Danny adalah super cute. this is my cousin son anyway. his eye brow sangat santek! hopefully our baby boy will be as cute as him. or lebih cute perhaps?
opss! did i blow the secret?
ehem. insyallah, will be having a boy. the 4d scan is so clear and the tescticle was so obvious! hopefully no mistake in that since mummy will buy lots and lots baju for baby boy then.
lots to tell about the wedding! but my new tasks is killing me. ni dah tak level killing me softly dah ni. ni level killing me drastically. i'm almost burst into tears yesterday. giler banyak keje rasa nak berenti keje and bagi notis 24jam.
endless tasks, endless emails, endless meeting and endless gaduh. well, working in this industry kan. what to expect? ko nak kerja sopan santun, sile kerja lain. pffffft!
oh bonus. sila masuk dengan segera. i need to reward myself with something 'big'. ahahhaha..something ive been eyeing on.
till then.