Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Up..up...and away

oh!! puan bos telah mc selama dua hari. rindu yg tak tertahan pada puan bos. puan bos, sila la pulang dgn segera. saya kangen banget dengan suara puan bos. kangen juga mendengar puan bos bertikam lidah dgn bos-bos lain. the first thing saya akan rindu sekiranya meninggalkan company adalah tentunya kamu puan bos. kecintaan saya terhadap puan bos amat mendalam. ehehehhe... but i'm serious bout this. i love my bos. not my big2 bos. but my immediate bos. walaupun org seantero kilang ni panggil dia iron lady la...singa la and whatever, but i still heart and admire dia. she is a tough lady. sgt SAMPAI ATI nak melakukan sesuatu di luar jangkauan. puan bos dh mc 2 hari. maybe drh tinggi dia naik kot. this is one of the reason i have to leave the company immediately. takut kne strok sebab tensi ari-ari. and last nite, incik tunang dan saya pergi berbuka pose di Domino's pizza. ok, theoretically bukan saya yg bukak pose. hanya incik tunang. tapi saya kira itu as my dinner. and who can say NO to domino's 'extravaganza pizza'? and oso to BBQ chicken wing. i always love domino's more than pizza hut. klu domino's i can finish up more than 3 slices but not with pizza hut. ase muak half way. after marathon dgn incik tunang menghabiskan our pizza n chicken wing, we hit the muvie. ya allah! ape nak jadi dgn hamba mu yg dua org ni. bulan pose pergila tarawikh. bykkan ibadat bulan2 pose ni. ok, saya under keuzuran dan takleh tarawikh. and yes, saya telah drag incik tunang sekali. abesla kne sambar petir saya nanti sebab bawak org bukan kearah kebaikkan. hikhikhik... and we watched UP! As of today, this is the best animation for this year. saya jarang membuat review pasal muvie sgt. but i love this animation to the max. animation ini sgt touching. sgt romantic. n yes, sgt sweet!! its not another animation yg comedy type, but its more like berkasih sayang punye muvie.. ohh...touching2... leh tahap meleleh ni. especially part bila wife dia **** (tengok ar sendiri...nanti korang tau). 20mins before muvie start, we hit the arcade games. i love arcade games. we always lepak kat arcades and main game sampai lebam. i noe..i noe... we are not normal couple yg gi lepak kat tmn bunga. ngeh3... there is one time kiteorg main game ala-ala rambo. and both of us manage to abeskan that game within 2 hari berturut2. and last nite, saya main game bawak treller. wah...sgt best. dh la stereng besar. susah ooo... TODAY FACT'S ABOUT ME : 1) I hate to wake up early in the morning and i always wonder how it feels to be riched without having to wake up in the morning. 2) I always think i have the sexiest car in the world. kerna kereta ku besar dibahagian belakang seolah2 mcm booty J.LO.


nady said... [Reply to comment]

aku lom nangga up! oi! **** ko ya senang ada jak ditekak.

.:Mrs Hafiz:. said... [Reply to comment]

kelak ko pura2 sik taok time nangga ya...
sian aiyh..
nangis ku.
mun anne alu run2 nya nangis.
anne kan emosi berlebihan.


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